Having to pay to help others doesn't make sense.

That's why at Service Square, we provide all our features to all our charities, all for free, always. That's our promise to you and our devotion to supporting your cause.

Get your own page on our site!

Service Discovery is like a database for finding information about charities. By joining the program, your charity gets its own page on our site with key information like your mission statement, social media accounts, and a StatSheet you can edit at any time.

Get verified access across the Service Square ecosystem!

Charities on Service Discovery are considered verified Service Square charities!

All features listed below have been removed due to resource limitations and low usage statistics. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Access your Volunteer Management System

Service Square has its own volunteer management system. This database simplifies volunteer signups, organization, and time-tracking. All Service Discovery charities have the opportunity to access their own VMS for free by choosing that option on the Service Discovery signup form or by chatting with us at any time after signup. Learn more →

Join our communication space!

Service Square has a charity communication space that allows you to connect with a variety of other service organizations. Collaborate, share ideas, and more, all for free!

And more to come! Service Square is always growing... in charities, in volunteers, and in features!