Service Square Schools
Schools can provide a private opportunity selection for their students with our education program, Service Square Schools. This can provide a centralized location for service hour opportunities.
Schools run separately from most pieces of Service Square, just under a copy of the same basic infrastructure. Because of this, you don't need to have a local square to join as a Service Square School!
In-house management. We build the structures and you run the day-to-day, allowing you complete control. You can have up to 4 admins with add, remove, and edit privileges.
Unlimited Add-Only Members. Allow any faculty member to add opportunities with a link that provides add-only access with an intuitive form, but restricts removals and edits.
Security. We don't display your page on our site or link to it from anywhere. Give access to it with a direct link on your website, SIS, or in an email. We also have a simple passcode lock on accessing the add-only form and login account access for admin accounts.
Custom Moderation Level. When your form is submitted, it can be set to do either instantaneous publishing (more efficient and resource-effective) or admin-approval before publishing (more secure). Or... give some people instant access and require admin approval from others?
Ad-free site. We don't place ads on school pages.
Contact us about other custom features you're looking for. We're happy to accommodate!
Email for more information or to get your school set up. We're excited to work with you!